The use of "Walnuts" for humans
The beneficial effects that walnuts bring to humans are immense so don't ask why this dish is considered the king of nuts. Walnut is an extremely beneficial plant from the stem to the root of the tree, each with its own unique values.
If nuts are a source of nutrition for the human body, the trunks, roots, seeds, leaves of the walnut tree are used as special medicinal materials. People use walnuts to treat diseases such as skin diseases, tuberculosis, colon. Walnut leaves treat tuberculosis and scabies.
Here are some walnut benefits that have been announced:
1. Good for pregnant and fetus health.
This is one of the foods recommended by world nutrition experts for pregnant women. The abundant amount of Omega 3 and antioxidants in walnuts enhances fetal brain development.

Researchers have stated that providing the right amount of walnuts during the months of pregnancy reduces the risk of allergy by 55%. Substances such as Thiamin, Folate, ... also help the development of the baby, increasing intestinal immunity for the baby.
2. Help jack sleep better
Melatonin content in walnuts will be a medicine to help you lose regular insomnia that is mainly caused by the body's lack of Melatonin.

Insomnia is a nightmare not only seen in the elderly and also young people who are living in a society that is under a lot of pressure, causing people 's disorders to insomnia when they do not know it. Always love yourself by providing a few walnuts a day to get the essential energy to work.
3. Prevent cardiovascular disease
Heart disease is always the most dangerous disease in humans, but the amount of amino acid 1-arginine in walnuts will help the body prevent cardiovascular disease from coming in, helping those who are ill or at risk. high on cardiovascular disease.

Preventing the formation of blood clots in the body is also a benefit of walnuts. Every day you just eat 1 walnut will reduce the risk of cardiovascular by 45% and reduce the risk of sudden death by 50%
4. Resistant to cancer
Researchers from the study of walnuts in mice (with human genes) have announced that if consumed 2.4 fruits / day during 18 weeks, there is a much smaller prostate tumor compared to people Do not consume walnuts
5. Walnuts are beneficial for diabetes
People with type 2 diabetes should immediately buy walnuts to eat because the types of fat in walnuts will improve the bad metabolic state of the disease.

Reducing fasting insulin levels will help overweight and diabetics greatly during treatment
6. Strong and rare antioxidant walnuts.
Against oxidative stem cells is very important to human health. Walnuts contain a lot of network antioxidants, which clear away the factors that cause oxidative stem cell reproduction that slow down the aging process in the body.
Besides, preventing liver diseases is also a benefit of walnuts. Thanks to the polyphenols in walnuts, the process leading to arteriosclerosis is also greatly reduced.
7. Increase fatherhood
The pressures of society are increasingly making those who stay in the family lose interest, causing current problems that affect family happiness. But if you consider supplementing the energy source from walnuts, that will be greatly limited.
In addition to the daily health benefits of walnuts, walnuts can also improve sperm health in men. The increased quality and quantity of sperm also improve the well-being of couples. Just consuming 75 grams of walnuts will benefit the sperm in developing vitality and motility.
8. Control your weight
Using just a daily dose of walnuts will be your savior in reducing body fat.

9. The effect of walnuts on the brain
The nutrients Folate, Omega-3, Vitamin E in walnuts help increase reasoning ability for students, students, teenagers who are studying to prepare for exams.
The reduction in anxiety, mental well-being, increased awareness and helps to operate the brain activity helps reduce headaches, brain fatigue.
The effect of walnuts on the body is infinite, the nutrients though small but bring great significance if you maintain use. To ensure your life is always healthy, happy family and smart children, storing this dish at home is something you cannot ignore. This is also a meaningful gift for parents, uncles and aunts, a meaningful gift for the occasion of holidays and New Year.
Source: Summary
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