Pumpkin soup with minced meat for children

Pumpkin soup with minced meat for children

A nutritious pumpkin soup for your children is a must-have menu for every week.
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45 minutes
Pumpkin 400 gram
Minced meat 200 gram
Green onion 1 bough
Minced Shallot 1 spoon
Implementation Steps
- Pumpkin peeled, finely chopped - Chopped green onion - Minced meat with some pepper, sugar, seasoning and salt for about 15 minutes for meat to taste
- Prepare the pot, add 1 tbsp of oil to the aromatic purple onion pot, stir fry the meat. - Put 3 cups cold water in a pot, bring to a boil, then drop the pumpkins. - When the pumpkin is soft, season it again and add the green onions
If you cook for 2 more minutes, turn off the heat. This dish is good for baby and helps you eat quickly. This is also a soup for family meals.
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