16 useful tips for everyday life

How many times a day do you go to the kitchen? cooking, cleaning and dozens of other errands that need to be done 24 hours a day. So instead of having to endure the unpleasant things that little things do, today, VN Cooking will give you 16 tips that can cure the work that annoys you. Check it out!

1. Thai hot peppers are not spicy.

Use a small amount of regular cooking oil and apply it on your hands before slicing. Thanks to the oil, the skin of the hands will not absorb the heat of chili anymore.

2. How to handle leftover bread?

Use a fresh branch of celery with bread and cover. The texture of the bread will be stable when fresh celery is nearby.

16 useful tips for everyday life
Fresh celery helps to stabilize the bread texture

3. Avoid germination of potatoes.

A little tip for you is when potatoes are stored with apples can solve the germination of potatoes already.

4. Handling dry bread when left to long.

Add bread to the water to moisten the bread and bake again.

5. Beat the fishy smell.

Vinegar is a panacea to remove the fishy, fishy smell. You only need to put the fish in the vinegar water (25ml of vinegar and 1 liter of water) about 60 minutes before processing the fishy smell that has been knocked out of space.

6. How to distinguish fresh or old eggs

Prepare 1 cup of water and drop the eggs into the glass of water. If the egg sinks to the bottom of the glass, it means that you have bought fresh eggs, and if the eggs float on the water, the eggs are old.

16 useful tips for everyday life
Eggs if submerged in water are fresh eggs

7. Boiled beautiful shelled eggs without cracking.

Add some salt when boiling is okay.

8. How to remove odors in your fridge?

Kumquat is the savior of your fridge! Cut some blueberries into the fridge for about 2 hours.

9. Eliminate coffee and tea stains on porcelain cups.

Baking soda mixed with lemon and toothpaste is a mixture that helps you remove the obnoxious stains caused by tea or coffee.

16 useful tips for everyday life
Baking soda and lemon will remove tea and coffee stains

10. Burning rice and cure.

Bread inside: put some bread inside the rice cooker to burn for about 10 minutes to reduce the burning smell of rice.

11. Storing bananas properly

Bananas must be stored separately, avoiding storage conditions with other fruits. Very high absorption of bananas will affect other fruits, making fruits ripen faster.

12. Quickly slaughter meat without waiting long

Put a little vinegar on the surface of the frozen meat. Thanks to the vinegar, the meat is defrosted very quickly, besides the vinegar also helps the meat softer.

13. How to handle when salt is pile

Add a few grains of rice to the salt jar. Thanks to the rice, the moisture in the salt is sucked away.

16 useful tips for everyday life
Fewer grains of rice will absorb moisture from the salt

14. Eliminate the smell of beef

Roast some really dry onions with garlic and mix with meat before processing to reduce a lot of odors in beef.

15. Preserving porcelain always shiny

Using a rag to dip a little vinegar for a long time will help your porcelain wares always shiny as newly purchased.

16 useful tips for everyday life
Use it with vinegar when cleaning to keep porcelain shiny

16. Miss soup seasoning too salty.

Potatoes are the savior for the delicious soup that you put in the effort to cook. Add a few slices of potatoes to soak up some salt!


Đà Lạt được mệnh danh là thành phố của ngàn hoa. Hoa len lỏi qua từng góc vườn của người dân đến vườn hoa rộng lớn của thành phố, hoa khoe sắc từng cụm nhỏ ven hồ Xuân Hương đến những cánh đồng hoang dại và rực rỡ ở ngoại ô. Đây cũng là nét đắc trưng riêng của thành phố sương mù. Cứ mỗi tháng, mỗi mùa xứ xở thơ mộng này lại thay cho mình những tấm áo lụa mới được dệt bằng ngàn hoa. Hãy cùng VN Cooking khám phá xem Đà Lạt có những loài hoa gì nhé !


Ngày nhà giáo Việt Nam 20-11 là một dịp đặc biệt để những thế hệ học trò thể hiện lời tri ân tới thầy cô. Chắc hẳn bạn đang mong muốn tìm món quà tặng thầy cô để thể hiện lòng biết ơn với những người đã có công dạy dỗ bạn. Hãy cùng VN Cooking tìm hiểu những món quà ý nghĩa để dành tặng thầy cô nhé!


Bạn là nội trợ trong gia đình. Bạn là người thích nấu ăn nhưng thường xuyên gặp những vấn đề rắc rối phát sinh trong quá trình nấu nướng. Bài viết dưới đây sẽ gửi đến bạn những mẹo vặt hữu ích trong nhà bếp nhé !

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