Attractive durian crepe

Attractive durian crepe

Durian cake has a greasy taste between fresh cream and extremely attractive durian cake Soft, smooth, natural durian flavor
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60 minutes
Plain flour 70 gram
Cornflour 10 gram
Eggs 2 egg
Icing sugar 80 gram
Unsweetened raw milk 1 bag
Margarine 20 gram
Whipping cream 125 ml
Galentin 2 gram
Durian 125 gram
Implementation Steps
- Durian separates seeds and ground meat. - Add Whipping cream and 2 teaspoons of powdered sugar into a bowl, whisk slowly with the whisk, until the cream is stiff. - Pour 1/2 bag of fresh milk into a bowl and put in the microwave for 30 seconds to warm milk. Stir galentin, then put the mixture in the cream bowl above, put in the refrigerator compartment
- Prepare pan on stove, apply butter evenly to pan. - The powder is taken from the refrigerator, a thin forehead on the pan (only one side fried). When you see your face tighten, take it upside down. Work until all the dough is gone
- Spread the cake flat - Put 1 part fresh cream, 1 part durian and then wrap. This cake tastes good when cold, you must store the cake in the refrigerator condition is not left out of sour cake

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