Braised carp with pickles

Braised carp with pickles

The dish that is always present at the parties is this dish of braised carp with pickles, this dish has a sour taste, the sweetness of the fish, the broth is also rich, so it is very popular.
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45 minutes
Carp 1 unit
Tomato 2 fruit
Pickled mustard green 150 gram
Green onion 2 bough
Minced Garlic 1 spoon
Dill 50 gram
Chicken Soup 600 gram
Pork side 200 gram
Cilantro 3 bough
Implementation Steps
- Crossed fish bought to clean - Put the fish into a marinated bowl with 1 spoon of seasoning seeds, 1 spoon of fish sauce and pepper for 15 minutes - Tomatoes, pickled mustard pieces - Bacon cut into small pieces
- Put the pan on the stove with some oil, non-fragrant garlic - Add the bacon to sautéed meat, sautéed sauteed tomatoes - Add sour cabbage and seasoning again with a little spice
- When the eggplant is soft, add chicken broth, simmer until the water boils, then add the fish - Stir the fish surface, add dill, green onions, pickles - Add chopped chili, until When the fish is cooked again, braise it for another 5 minutes and turn off the heat
- Turn off the stove, you can add the cilantro above to be able to treat the whole family. This dish has a sweet and sour taste and should be eaten very mouth.

Phở là một món ăn truyền thống của người dân Việt Nam, là món đặc sản mà nhiều du khách nước ngoài yêu thích. Tuy nhiên, bạn đã hiểu hết về món đặc sản dân tộc này hay chưa ? Hãy cùng VN Cooking khám phá ngay sau đây nhé !

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