Chicken wings with honey sauce

Chicken wings with honey sauce

Chicken wings are carefully seasoned with familiar spices accompanied with a rich sweet honey sauce, the throat will be today's dinner for your whole family.
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45 minutes
Chicken wing 300 gram
Honey 3 spoon
Ketchup 0.5 spoon
Garlic 4 tuber
Implementation Steps
- Minced garlic - Washed chicken marinated with 1 tbsp of pepper, salt and minced garlic for 25 minutes
- For a cup of honey, tomato sauce and 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, mix well
- Put the oil pan on the stove, fry chicken wings with small fire to cook evenly (before turning off the stove 5 minutes you should fry with high heat to be crispy chicken) and then take out
- For another pan, heat up a little pan of butter and then mince the garlic into non-aromatic flavor - When fragrant garlic, fry the chicken when bouncing on it, simmer low - Put the honey sauce mixture in the pan and stir well into the chicken
- Stir for about 5 minutes when the chicken is all sauce is slightly thickened then turn off the heat - Present the plate for the whole family to enjoy

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