Grilled catfish with ginger

Grilled catfish with ginger

Warm meals are meals that are rustic, simple but absorbing the homeland. This grilled catfish is a dish of the people of the Southern region of the river, aromatic and long-lasting catfish are stocked with aromatic ginger to create an irresistible dish.
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45 minutes
Cá trê 500 gram
Shallot 2 tuber
Ginger 1 tuber
Vietnamese caramel sauce 1 spoon
Rice flour 2 spoon
Chili 4 fruit
Green onion 3 bough
Implementation Steps
- Fish bought, washed and sliced to taste. - Ginger shaved skin, cut pieces - Cut green onion - Shredded shallot
- Marinate fish with ginger, red onion and a little sugar, granules, fish sauce, colored water, salt, pepper about 20 minutes before processing
- Put the pot on the stove with some cooking oil - When the oil is hot, add the fish, when the fish hunt meat, add 1 cup of filtered water and cook for 30 minutes
- Rice flour you mixed with 2 tablespoons of water, beat and then put in the fish pot, stir well - Finally you put the green onions and cook for another 5 minutes, then turn off the heat
The dish is complete, wish you a delicious
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