Rice yogurt

Rice yogurt

This dish is not only beautiful but also nutritious, so it is a top favorite in some places. This type is currently very hot and the coverage is very high, so please prepare for the whole family to enjoy this sour and sour dessert
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30 minutes
Nếp cẩm 200 gram
Yogurt 3 hộp
Coconut milk 100 ml
Pandan 3 leaf
Implementation Steps
- Rinse clean, cook with 2 liters of water and 1/2 tablespoon of salt, when boiling water you remove the foam (you can also soak the sticky rice overnight to quickly cook)
- Put the pineapple leaves in the glutinous rice cooker - Stir well, when the sticky rice is blended, add 3 tablespoons of sugar, mix well and cook for another 5 minutes then turn off the heat.
- Put the cup into a cup, change the yogurt on top, followed by coconut milk And eat

Bạn đang đau đầu khi nhìn vào tủ lạnh và thấy rau củ quả vừa mua cách đây không lâu trở nên héo úa hoặc thậm chí là không thể ăn được nữa ? Bạn đang loay hoay tìm cách bảo quản rau quả luôn tươi như lúc mới mua về ? Hãy cùng VN Cooking khám phá những cách bảo quản rau quả tươi lâu sau đây nhé !

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