Stir-fried Chinese cabbage with tofu
For the full moon days or the days you want to eat frugal dishes, stir-fried bok choy tofu is a dish you should pay attention to with deliciousness, easy to mouth and easy to make.
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30 minutes
Bok choi 500 gram
Fried tofu 4 piece
Pepper 1 spoon
Salt 1 spoon
Sugar 1 spoon
Green onion 2 bough
Cooking oil 1 spoon
Soy sauce 4 spoon
Implementation Steps
Tofu purchased in Thai state into small pieces as usual. Bok bok choy, then you wash, split into leaves and cut into pairs for easy eating. Prepare 1 pan, add 2 tablespoons of cooking oil, wait until the pan is hot, add the bok choy, stirring continuously for about 2 minutes, add 1 tbsp of sugar, 1 tbsp of salt, 2 tbsp of pepper and mix well with bok choy.
Next, you put the tofu into the bok choy pan, mix the pan up for the bok choy and the tofu to mix. You should taste it to fit your family's taste. When you see the food is fine, turn off the heat and place a plate. This dish dips with regular soy sauce or you can make soy sauce mixed with garlic and chili. Enjoy your meal
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