Coconut jam for traditional Tet holiday

Coconut jam for traditional Tet holiday

On Tet holiday, there are many colorful and colorful plates and jams for guests to wish for Tet or just a gift for their loved ones. Try this dish for Tet holiday!
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75 minutes
Cùi dừa 800 gram
Pandan 10 leaf
Coffee powder 3 spoon
Passion fruit 2 fruit
Fresh milk 1 bag
Implementation Steps
- Wash copra, cut into cubes evenly. - Prepare a pot of warm water and then wash the copra and boil for about 2 minutes then take out.
- Copra divided into 4 equal bowls, each bowl gives 100g of sugar - 1 bowl mixed with fresh milk - 1 bowl mixed with passion fruit juice - 1 bowl mixed with pandan leaf juice - 1 bowl mixed with coffee
- When sugar is melted, put in pan, stir hands and dry snails jam, sugar stick on jam, jam will be a popular snack, hospitality and gifts on Tet holiday. Together share these small but significant gifts to your loved ones
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