Crispy chicken wings with sesame sauce

Crispy chicken wings with sesame sauce

Chicken is always delicious in every way, fried chicken is the favorite food of everyone, especially the children, and together to make a little traditional chicken dish into a delicious dish for the family's meal. .
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45 minutes
Chicken wing 6 cánh
White Sesame seeds 100 gram
Tempura flour 200 gram
Cornflour flour 50 gram
Garlic 3 piece
Shallot 2 tuber
Chili 2 fruit
Sugar 2 spoon
Salt 2 spoon
Chili sauce 2 spoon
Ketchup 2 spoon
Implementation Steps
Chicken wings bought, you washed and then salt in wet for about 7 minutes for chicken wings to taste more delicious. While waiting for the chicken to taste, you mix the white sesame paste and crispy seeds together.
Once the chicken has flavored, continue mixing the chicken with the flour mixture above. Prepare a large frying pan of chicken oil (use a nonstick pan). Next, add the chicken to the hot oil pan and fry.
When the yellow chicken are all picked out on oil absorbent paper to absorb oil to protect the dental health. Prepare a small pot to make the sesame sauce. Chop red onion, garlic, chili together and then put in a pot of water, bring to a boil. When the water is boiling, add chili sauce, ketchup, and sesame seeds to the pot. Next is sugar, salt, fish sauce to taste to taste. Cook for 5 minutes, then put cornstarch in the pot, stirring together until the sauce is together.
It's done, now decorate the chicken on a plate and the sesame sauce on the delicious chicken wings. This dish can be eaten with salad, tomatoes, cucumbers. Eating with white rice is delicious.

fried chicken

fried chicken

fried chicken with sesame sauce

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