Pineapple leaf cake folk

Pineapple leaf cake folk

This fake cake is very good. This ethnic cake is so old that it is still a favorite dish of many Vietnamese people. With a simple recipe, easy to make, with a little dexterity, you can make pieces of cake soft, smooth.
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60 minutes
Rice flour 150 gram
Glutinous flour 150 gram
Pandan 300 gram
Brown sugar 150 gram
Vanilla flavor 1 ống
Coconut milk 80 ml
Ginger 1 tuber
White Sesame seeds 20 gram
Tapioca flour 1 spoon
Implementation Steps
- Pandan leaves washed, grinded and squeezed to make water CAKE CAKE POWDER - Green cake: 75g glutinous rice flour, 75g rice flour, pandan leaf juice, 1/2 vanilla tube, 1 spoon of cooking oil and 50ml of filtered water, knead the dough to smooth - White bread: 75g glutinous rice flour, 75g rice flour, 1/2 vanilla tube, 1 spoon of cooking oil and 150ml of filtered water, knead the dough to make it smooth for 25 minutes.
- Prepare 2 pots for white and green flour in 2 pots, stir until cooked. - Prepare the mold, sweep 1 layer of oil around the mold. - Kneading and mixing 2 colors of flour together, then pour into the mold, press the cake into the mold, wait to cool
MAKE SUGAR - Mix brown sugar with 100ml of filtered water and 5 slices of cooked ginger, stir until sugar is dissolved - When sugar is melted and slightly thickened, it is okay. MAKING COCONUT WATER - Put coconut milk, 1 spoon of sugar, 1 spoon of flour, 1 spoon of water and cook until cooked. - Sesame seeds roasted lightly until fragrant
- Use a tattoo knife around the mold to get a cake, cut a small piece into a plate - Chan sugar water and coconut milk leave some sesame roasted to fragrant This dish to treat friends over the weekend is not a bad idea, do you wish you success
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