Pork meat soup

Pork meat soup

Those who are Southern children can not help but remember the aromatic, spicy, chewy taste of chao duck, a specialty of the people here.
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60 minutes
Duck 1 unit
Taro 300 gram
Chicken Soup 300 ml
Coconut water 300 ml
Fermented tofu 200 gram
Hash Ginger 2 spoon
Minced lemongrass 2 spoon
Minced Garlic 3 spoon
Chili powder 2 spoon
Implementation Steps
- Wash duck meat with wine and chopped ginger to deodorize, chop the pieces - Put in 2 cups of garlic, 1 spoon of ginger, 1 spoon of lemongrass, seasoning seeds, sugar, 2 tablespoons of fish sauce, 3/4 of the colander. Mix well with duck and wait 30 minutes
- Taro peeled, washed, cut into small pieces just enough to eat - Put a little oil pan on the stove, put the potatoes in and fry them well then remove them to drain oil
- Put the pot on the stove, a little oil in the pot for a little ginger and lemongrass into non-aromatic flavor - Add a little chili powder to color, add duck meat to mix again.
- When you see duck meat, then add coconut water, chicken broth in to cook with high heat - When boiling water, add taro (remember to remove foam often)
- Cook for about 25 more minutes, the meat will be soft and cooked evenly. Switch off the stove
PHAM DOT - Put in a bowl of minced chili, garlic, colander, 2 tablespoons of stirring sugar Add vegetables to the pot and enjoy the "Porridge duck" made by home
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