Steamed Grouper with ginger and onion

Steamed Grouper with ginger and onion

The fresh taste of the sweet vegetables of the fish fascinates the husbands.
Content is translated using Google Translate, not properly censored, we will try to complete the translation better in the future.
45 minutes
Cá bống mú 600 gram
Shallot 1 tuber
Onion 1 tuber
Ginger 1 tuber
Chili 3 fruit
Implementation Steps
Grouper cleaned, sawed off one side of the fish. Ginger peeled, shredded. Horn peppers washed, seeded, 1 chopped fruit, 1 cut into fruit. Shallots, peeled and sliced onions. Scallions cleaned, cut 5cm, thin strips
Marinate fish with red onion, onion, green onion, ginger, minced chili, chutney, sugar, seasoning, oyster sauce, sesame oil, pepper and leave for 20 minutes to infuse spices.
Heat oil, non-aromatic garlic, minced chili, pour out the fish marinade mixture, and use the broth to stir. Arrange fish on a plate and put in steaming basket. Freshly cooked fish sprinkle with marinated water, continue steaming for another 10 minutes. Serve the fish on a plate, garnished with finely chopped green onions, parsley, and capsicum.
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