Steamed squid with ginger

Steamed squid with ginger

This squid will be a delicious dish when processed by steaming with ginger onions to create a pervasive aroma everywhere. You will enjoy the sweetness of squid meat and the scent of ginger mixed together.
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45 minutes
Squid 500 gram
Ginger 1 tuber
Green onion 100 gram
Ớt sừng đỏ 5 fruit
Garlic 1 tuber
Lime 1 fruit
Implementation Steps
- You should wash the ink with water mixed with white wine to make the ink less fishy. - Cut the squid into circles (or leave the whole body alone) - Marinate the squid with 1 spoon of seasoning seeds, fish sauce, 1/2 spoon of MSG for about 25 minutes to absorb the ink
The raw materials washed; - Ginger peeled, divided into 3 parts, 2/3 cut only, 1/3 left intact - Cut green scallions - Horn peppers 3 fruits split in half, seeded, cut into strands, 2 fruits left - Lemon squeezed with water
- When the ink has infused spices, mix the squid with ginger, shredded chili, green onions. - Put in steaming water for 10 minutes until the ink is cooked (do not steam too long, you will lose the crispness of the ink) - Put the ink on a plate just fine
BEVERAGED WATER: - 3 horny chili peppers and a little ginger with 2 teaspoons of sugar into the mortar, minced. - For a bowl mixed with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 4 tablespoons of fish sauce stir Now, you can eat it.

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