Aromatic snakehead fish

Aromatic snakehead fish

It only takes 30 minutes for you to have the aromatic snakehead snakehead fish already in the table of your family already. Braised snakehead fish with aromatic flavor creates a passionate, indescribable taste of the Western people but also creates a very unique cuisine of Vietnamese people.
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30 minutes
Snakehead 1 unit
Pineapple 1 fruit
Green onion 2 bough
Seasoning powder 1 spoon
Shallot 2 tuber
Soy sauce 3 spoon
Cooking oil 3 spoon
Sugar 2 spoon
Implementation Steps
Snakehead fish when purchased, you need to clean very viscous out of the fish. Cut the fish into equal parts. Fragrant when going to the market, you should buy the peeled sellers for convenience. Cut the aromatic into small pieces, just eat as usual.
Prepare a bowl to marinate the fish. Wash shallots, chopped 1 tablespoon seasoning seeds, 1 teaspoon pepper mixed with snakehead fish for about 20 minutes for fish to taste
Prepare a pot of fish. Put the pot on the stove, add 1 teaspoon of white sugar to the pot, wait until it turns yellow, turn into caramel then add the fish. Stir both sides to hunt fish. Next, add 3 tbsp of soy sauce, 1 tbsp of sugar, 1 tbsp of seasoning seeds into the pot, add 100ml of cold water to the pot again.
Wait until the mixture has boiled, lower the heat a bit. Simmer until part of the water is dry, then add aroma. Once the fish has browned, turn off the heat. Snakehead fish is stocked with aromatic create a very delicious taste, especially when it is cold but enjoying with white rice is very warm stomach. Good luck!

aromatic snakehead fish

snakehead fish

snakehead fish stock

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