Burmese Mixed Korean - Famous Korean films

Burmese Mixed Korean - Famous Korean films

This vermicelli usually appears in popular Korean episodes. Let's prepare this dish today to see why it is so hot
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45 minutes
Miến khô 200 gram
Oyster mushroom 30 gram
Beef 150 gram
Spinach 100 gram
Jelly ear 2 cái
Eggs 2 fruit
Cucumber 1 fruit
Onion 0.5 tuber
Carrot 0.5 tuber
Minced Garlic 3 spoon
Roasted sesame seeds 1 spoon
Sherry 1 spoon
Implementation Steps
- Beef washed, cut long fibers and marinated with 1 spoon of minced garlic, 1 spoon of soy sauce, 1/3 spoon of sugar, white wine, 1 spoon of sesame oil, less pepper mix well for 10 minutes refrigerator - Peeled carrots, diced - Onion sliced - Diced cucumber - Soft soaked cat mushrooms and then sliced - Shredded abalone mushrooms
- Wash spinach spinach, cut into pieces - Cook the pot of boiling water for vegetables to soften, then take out to mix with 1 tablespoon of sesame oil, a little sugar and salt
- Boiled vermicelli for about 5 minutes, when cooked, remove the vermicelli and put in cold water and then continue to drain. - Breaking eggs, separating long white and separate yolks. Beat 2 cups, fry each part of egg, then chop into shreds
- Phi 1 tbsp of garlic, when fragrant garlic, stir fry 2 types of mushrooms with a little seasoning seeds, cooked mushrooms scoop out the dish. - For the onion, carrots in a sauté pan until soft, then take out the plate
- Fry garlic, stir-fry the beef, take it out separately - Add 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, 1 spoon of sugar, 1 spoon of sesame oil, 1 spoon of roasted sesame and pan stir well, when seeing the thickened liquid, let any vermicelli mix panic for 2 minutes then turn off the heat
- Vermicelli mixed with mushroom mixture on top, adding eggs on top is an excellent dish, wish you enjoy.
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Ngày nhà giáo Việt Nam 20-11 là một dịp đặc biệt để những thế hệ học trò thể hiện lời tri ân tới thầy cô. Chắc hẳn bạn đang mong muốn tìm món quà tặng thầy cô để thể hiện lòng biết ơn với những người đã có công dạy dỗ bạn. Hãy cùng VN Cooking tìm hiểu những món quà ý nghĩa để dành tặng thầy cô nhé!